Web-Testing for iPhone is a New Service of A1QA
Released on = July 26, 2007, 2:22 am
Press Release Author = a1qa
Industry = Software
Press Release Summary = New service has been presented by A1QA - testing web applications and web sites for iPhone. The result of testing will cover not only the main aspects of usability and compatibility with iPhone but recommendations on redesign and development of iPhone compliant web solutions.
Press Release Body = New service has been presented by A1QA - testing web applications and web sites for iPhone. The result of testing will cover not only the main aspects of usability and compatibility with iPhone but recommendations on redesign and development of iPhone compliant web solutions.
Customers can examine their web solution iPhone compliance within the following types:
* Functional testing * Usability testing * GUI * iPhone & multimedia checking * EDGE vs WiFi * Media
You can find more information about web-testing for iPhone at Web Application Testing Service page.
About A1QA
The company A1QA (www.a1qa.com) offers a wide range of software quality assurance services, including manual and automated testing. A1QA is the only company in Eastern Europe that specializes exclusively in software testing services. The major clients of the company are foreign and Russian enterprises that deal with software development and have a need for independent quality assurance.
Web Site = http://www.a1qa.com
Contact Details = A1QA, office 2305 6, Skryganova st. 220073, Minsk, Belarus Tel: +375 (17) 200-8740
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